Saturday, November 13, 2010

Another Successful Event!

As part of our seventh packaging event, twenty-six members of the community gathered to prepare care packages for soldiers stationed overseas on November 6th. With the abundance of supplies donated by individuals and local organizations, we were able to fill ninety-seven care packages.

Each package included handwritten cards and drawings from students at Swift River School in New Salem, Greenfield Middle School in Greenfield and Saxe Middle School in New Canaan, CT. Volunteers also included a personalized note for each soldier.

More than 1500 bottles of sunscreen were donated by WS Badger Company of Gilsum, NH. Several local businesses and organizations including Witty’s Funeral Home, New Salem Firefighter’s Association, Wheelerville Women’s Club, Porter Transportation, Harris Manufacturing, Four Columns Realty, Margery Morton Chapter, D.A.R. and community members made donations towards the high cost of shipping the packages.

Members of the North Orange Grange, Mahar Key Club and the Veteran’s Education Project of Amherst helped at the event. Several military family members and volunteers from the Diemand Farm were also involved.

Since we began our efforts in 2007, more than 375 packages have been sent to troops stationed overseas.