Saturday, December 1, 2012

We did it again!

On Sunday, November 3rd, more than thirty volunteers joined OTOH for the 11th event to send some joy to the soldiers stationed overseas during the upcoming holiday season.  Volunteers included military family members and those from Diemand Farm, North Orange Grange, Mahar Key Club and Veterans Education Project.  The volunteers helped to prepare more than fifty care packages which included items such as drawings and letters from students at Swift River School, crackers, Easy Mac, cookies, magazines and toiletries.

Soldiers have already written thanking OTOH for the unexpected kindness.  One Sargent wrote, "A little taste and reminder of home from these care packages are what truly makes a deployment worthwhile.  Knowing that people at home who are taking time out of their busy schedule just to not only think of us over here but act on it speaks volumes."  A First Lieutenant wrote, "Being deployed in support of a war that many have forgotten about is difficult sometimes.  To be the recipients of such an overwhelming random act of kindness is incredible.  The soldiers here face challenges on a daily basis that no person should have to experience in their entire lives.  Constant reminders that the American people are still behind the soldiers are what keeps these guys going."

Our next event to prepare care packages will be held in April 2013.  However, if you know of a soldier who is stationed overseas and would appreciate a care package, please contact OTOH.  Thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers!!  We could not do this without you!